Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day 2016

Why do young men so eagerly run to the sounds of gunfire? Why does our world have a need for such total disregard of human life?

I spent 15 years of my life hating people from other countries simply because someone told me to. I went to war for this country in the name of Democracy and Patriotism.  My fellow man would have been better off had we all chosen to lay down our arms and love one another instead.

Big business, big oil, and all those invested in it have done nothing but degrade and separate this country since the industrial revolution. They pile their fortunes on the backs of dead veterans.

We, as a society, need to come together and realize how pointless all of this killing is.  We, as a people, need to start caring for each other instead of listening to the voice of the media that spews its’ hatred and contempt into the airwaves. We are making millionaires richer for destroying our planet and killing our sons and daughters.

On this Veteran’s Day, I celebrate my separation from all of the hatred and violence. Today I want to remember that there is good in everyone. That even though we fought, killed and died in war, perhaps one day we can all come together in peace and love.

Today I choose compassion in the face of hatred. Today I choose peace in place of violence.  Today I will meditate and give thanks for all of the wonderful gifts this country offers, while I ask that we find a peaceful resolution to all conflict.

Today I choose love.

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