Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Intro to my blog.

I’m in this job that I don’t hate, but I know without a doubt that it isn’t what I’ve been called to do. I am an educator. I teach people to care for others. My calling is in teaching people to care for themselves.

The ironic part is that most days, I don’t even feel like I have my own life under control. We struggle financially, I often feel “stuck” and depressed about not doing the one thing I am being called to do, and I know that it will cost money to achieve the credentials I will require to start doing it. Money I don’t currently have.

So where do I go from here? Well, the way I see it, I have 2 options. I can continue with this mindset, focusing on all the things I’m lacking, or I can shift my perspective to one of gratitude for the things I currently have. I choose the latter option. I choose to focus on abundance. I choose to focus on the amazing things I currently have in my life, and vow to raise my vibration to the level of the goals I have for me and my family.

I’ve learned enough on my journey to know that until I achieve that level of vibration, until I can flourish in the life I’ve been given currently, I cannot succeed on the path I have chosen for me and my family.

This blog will be my journal of that adventure.  My wish is that you will come along with me on this journey and maybe we can teach each other a few things. If you don't like where you are at, you have the power to change it. Let's create a world we want to live in one person at a time.


  1. I'm with you brother, by your side on this journey. I feel sorry for whatever may be in the way!

  2. So happy you are beginning to blog. It's an amazing adventure, all in itself. I've been doing my photoblog since March 2008. Over a thousand photos sent out into the universe. The interaction with others is so great, people in all kinds of countries and time zones. People with spring when we have fall! You learn about that stuff in school, but it's real and amazes me. Have a good time, Kevin. It's a trip.
