Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Creating a better world

When the power of love is greater than the love of power, the world will know peace. ~ Attributed to Bob Marley.


Is this even possible? I think it is. I have no idea how to do it peacefully. It would require the people currently in power to be not in power anymore. How do you topple a government peacefully? Not to mention that this needs to happen everywhere in the world.

These are the dilemmas that keep me awake at night. This furrows my brow more than any issue I currently have in my life right now. I know how to make my immediate life better. I’ve been doing it for about 6 months now, and it continues to improve on a daily basis. But to change the world… Now there is a challenge.

I think it has to start within each of us. We have to be willing to change on an individual basis. We change the world one person at a time. It’s really a war of attrition. Sooner or later, people who are tired of violence, hatred, labels and segregation will be the majority and there will be a tipping point.

How do we get there? I can only tell you about my journey, I can’t tell you how to make yourself happy. That’s the part people just don’t understand. You are the one responsible for your happiness. Not me, not your significant other… You and you alone are the one that has the power to make you smile.

It starts with a belief that there is more to this life than just getting up at 4am to go to a mundane job that you feel like you have to do in order to survive. It’s feeling a tug on your soul when you think of playing guitar, wanting to pick one up and learn to play it because the sound brings you joy. It’s listening to Wayne Dyer tell you that the power of the entire universe is inside you, and actually starting to believe it. It’s acting on your dreams because you were meant to be more than a slave to others.

The world today will do everything it can to bring you down. The media is made up of horrific image after image. They want you to watch and carry on that vibration. Fear is powerful. If we fear what is happening in the world, when we are confronted with it, we will exhibit more fear. Terrorists are scary. Bombings are scary. We poison our bodies with GMOs and processed food. There are heavy metals in vaccines that are supposed to protect us from disease, but cause autism and allergies in its place. We turn into this corporate byproduct that resembles Jabba the Hut, then wonder why we feel so sluggish and run down.

The only way a revolution is going to happen is if we start taking back control of our lives. We need to start growing our own food. We need to start meditating. We need to start realizing that we are so much more than the world tells us we are.

Right now, we as a society are our worst enemy. We spew hate. We shame people for the way they look. We denounce war and violence in one breath, and send our children off to fight it in the next. We label each other based on what society deems “normal” and ridicule those who don’t flow with the mainstream. We preach acceptance on Sunday, then say we have no room for refugees in the church parking lot, totally forgetting that Jesus was a refugee Himself!

If you want to clean up the world, I challenge you to first look within. Be the example of what you want to see. Clean up your own yard before talking about the leaves piling up in your neighbors. Stop looking for ways to hate each other and start looking for the good in everyone.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ~ Wayne Dyer

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