Why do people continue to accept the status quo? We never question anything as a society, and if we do, we are considered conspiracy theorists or crazy.
Rockets are 1930's technology. Do you honestly think we have not advanced beyond this? Have you ever wondered why NASA, the foremost authority on outter space exploration in America, just gave up it's space program? Why are we not going back to the moon?
Do you still believe that 9/11 was really terrorists? Why are we accepting this story when ALL of the evidence points to a false flag operation?
Do you honestly think that we are here to just go to work for other people and spend our days away from the people we care most about?
We have technology that could give every single person on this planet the ability to power their house, provide water, even drive cars that run on earth friendly fuels. Why aren't we seeing it?
It has been proven that you can cure and prevent cancer just by the foods you eat, and that chemo is truly just poison we pump into people and doesn't really cure anything, yet we accept what doctors tell us as fact. Cancer CANNOT live in an alkaline environment.
Big Pharma and the government both push opioids and amphetamines on a younger and younger population, yet it has been proven time and again that cannabis can stop seizures, treat a myriad of illnesses and even help with anxiety, depression and PTSD. Have you ever read about WHY marijuana is illegal? Did you ever ask yourself why booze is completely acceptable when it kills so many people a year, and MJ hasn't killed anyone?
There are more empty houses than there are homeless people in this country. Why? Because basic food and shelter is NOT a human right unless you can afford it?
What would happen if we all decided that it was enough? Enough lies. Enough secrets. What would happen if we all started giving a shit instead of just going through the motions? We don't have to declare war on anyone. ISIS reportedly killed around 1200 people in 2016. Our own police have killed 963 in this country in 2016. Why are we sending our troops over there? Follow the money. Oil, drugs, etc..
It's frustrating to me that we all just comply because that's "just what we do." One person can make a difference. Ghandi, Mandella, Ali; King Jr., all of these people stood against something very wrong, and did great things. Just one person. Imagine what we, as a country, could do if we just started speaking out against corruption. Think about the world we would leave our children if we said no to oil, coal and nuclear energy because we absolutely do not have to kill our planet to stay warm.
Eff the status quo. And shame on all of us for blindly accepting it. Start to question your world. Question everything.
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